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Babies read writings Al-Quran

MOSCOW - Ali Yakubov, a baby nine months yangberusia, horrendous Russia because his skin bearing the holy verses of the Qur'an and make punkeheranan doctors.

Yakubov parents have surprised early on by writing signs Qur'anic verses are sacred. They saw the writing on the skin of God after the birth of their son. God written in Arabic script is located in the back, arms, legs, and stomach. Health experts could not explain the mysterious condition.

However, they assert that the article is not man-made. Mother Yakubov, Madinam engungkapkan that she and her husband is not a religious person God made them to appear on the skin of his son. At first they did not show signs of the greatness of God to others, except their personal physician.

Madina admitted, the verses of the holy Qur'an appears first postnatal. However, with the start of Ramadan, writing verses began to fade. "Normally, the signs appeared twice in one week on the night between Monday and Thursday and Friday," he explained. "Ali (Yakubov) always felt uneasy when God made it appear. She was crying and temperature rise," added Madina.

While a local priest, Abdulla, said that the Koran says, before the end of the age to come, will come the people of the verses of scripture in their bodies on the basis of Fushshilat paragraph 53.

Ludmila Luss, a local physician, believed that the holy Koran verse was likely due to irritation effects, such as pepper and salt, or drugs, which trigger inflammation of the skin and leaving a trail of Arabic-shaped red.


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