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No Doomsday in 2012

Hmm ... and it seems that many fans at the end of 2012. What is happening, so people are interested and feel, easy questions like that?

He said that the world will be in December 21, 2012 End! Runutan interesting songs that you immediately breath, and murmured: "Oh that's right ... be bener messages NIH. This would, without further research, for example, Doom 3 years to live. Or if you do not believe the doctrine of Resurrection, you say now: "Only God knows when the Hour," "Oh it was idolatrous ...", or" That information spread by religion. "Again, just do not swallow all of the information.
Mayan Pyramid heritage. Credit: whoyoucallingaskeptic.wordpress.com

Mayan Pyramid heritage. Credit: whoyoucallingaskeptic.wordpress.com

Well, because the world stop in a minute late, planning for life, not your career, the thought of having a home before the end of the world, married, and be sure to have pleasure to enjoy life before the resurrection. Or regret it immediately. Whether the punishment does not even implemented. Three years lho!.

Said some, this strange discussion. Almost every time we hear about various theories of the resurrection ... and in fact we are still here. Currently, there is a theory that the truth was clear. But why is so important in 2012?

He said that the Mayan calendar is more in 2012 and later built a new kind of religion and faith, the belief in society. By any scientific reasons, and, finally, the new community concerns. Forget Nostradamus, Y2K, and all other criminal forecasts, projections for the year 2012, Planet X, and will destroy the earth.

Ok ... We can not stop here and we appear in one of the reasons this the end of 2012 the world. And for you fans Mayan calendar prophecies, I have bad news for you all. It will not end in 2012 ... and that is why you can be heard.

Mayan Calendar
Mayan Calendar

Mayan Calendar

What is the Mayan calendar? It is a calendar of the Maya as a civilization of about 250-900 known Mr. proof of the presence of the Mayan civilization can be drawn in the rest of the kingdom, in almost all regions of southern Mexico, Guatemala , Belize, El Salvador, Honduras and Some.

According to historical evidence, wrote many Mayan communities and strengthen the capacity of cities and urbanism. In terms of construction, the famous Mayan pyramids, buildings and other large buildings. Not only that, in culture, Mayan culture has a strong influence on culture in Central America. Influenced not only civilization but also in relation to the indigenous population in the region. So far, some Maya are still there and continue their tradition of thousands of years.

The Maya in their lives with different timescales. For them, the period of employment with the spiritual circle. Calendar is for practical issues such as social life, agriculture, trade and other administrative purposes. However, it is assumed that the religious element in great force. To the Maya, each day is a different guardian spirit, so that each day has a different function. Quite unlike the modern life with the Gregorian calendar, which only set the schedule time for administrative affairs, social and economic ends.

Most of the Mayan calendar has a little time.

* Tzolkin calendar runs 260 days
* Seems Haab calendar "to an estimated 1-year 365-day sun.

Mayan calendar, then combine these two types of "Calendar Round", a cycle ends after 52 Haab (about 52 years or a generation long range). In the "Calendar Round" is Trecena (cycle 13 days) and Veintena (cycle 20 days). Apparently, the system of wheels and the number of days in 52 years, 18,980 days.

To the Maya, science and religion are one. They build mathematical and astronomical systems are very impressive, in connection with their faith. Achievement in mathematical notation can be seen in the position and the use of zero. In astronomy, they were carefully counted in the sun, moon, tables and prepare for the position of Venus, and the prediction of the eclipse of the sun also has a Mayan calendar cycle of Venus is quite true. Venusian calendar is on the location of Venus in the night sky. The same thing seems to be on other planets.

System "Calendar Round" is actually very good for the day of birth or a religious concept to remember. But can record the history of this calendar will not be used as reference since it does not record events who are aged over 52 years.

Length Calculation End = end of the world?
The universe according to the Mayans. Credit: edwardtbabinski.us

The universe according to the Mayans. Credit: edwardtbabinski.us

Then the historical events that have over 52 years, alternatives Maya. With a rather innovative way they can achieve the "Calendar Round" to extend for 52 years.

At this point is the Mayan calendar is very old, say that only religious beliefs that lunar cycles, with cycles of mathematical calculations, or unit 13 and 20 are mixed as the basis for the calculation of confidence with mythology. The only principle that is correlated with the modern calendar calendar Haab has long been recognized that the sun in 365 days. In response to an agenda for long, for the Mayan calendar system, "Long Count" or "Calculating Long", the end of calendar years after 5126.

This calculation Basik schedule depends on the unit 20 Modern calendar is currently 10th in the stage of the basic unit of arithmetic

However, as the calculations?

Year in the "Long Count Mayan calendar of Each 0 is a number 0-19 digits, and each number is a calculation of the date of the Maya.

For the first calendar day as follows: and 19 days. If the number reaches 20, will be on the agenda: This calculation is one years and show for 20 years and reach reach Utuk 400 years. To symbolize the calendar schedule for the day-to-1 in the 7th Month and year 1012

So what to do with the end of the world?

Maya was obsessed by time. Understanding and predicting the cycle time will allow them to adapt to life in the world. According to the Maya cosmology has destroyed the world and 5 times 4 times. Measurement of time several days in a year is considered suitable for a particular activity, while others at a disadvantage.

Well, according to Mayan beliefs, something serious will happen if the calendar is "long" Count ends. Several departments made by experts, but because the Maya numerical calculations on the cycles 13 and 20, the last day of their calendar is based When was that? digits indicate the year 5126 and the "Long Count" began in 3114 BC, 11th August in the Gregorian calendar.

Well, why the Mayan calendar end 5126 years later, ie, December 21, 2012 e This is a basic understanding of resurrection in 2012.

End Of The World
Illustration collision occurred. Credit: NASA

Illustration collision occurred. Credit: NASA

Obviously, if something ends, including the calculation of an ancient calendar ends, people tend to think of the possibility that civilization is the very end. Somehow the end of the world gives. Several arguments seem, among other things, the land of a planet, an asteroid or a disaster will be less affected. In essence, if the calendar ends of the earth will be swept away and destroyed.

Archaeologists and those with expertise in this myth that the Enlightenment is when comes. And this does not mean the end or anything. There is no evidence from beating the world. In fact, if it is, we can say Maya managed to predict a religious miracle.

Myths continue to grow, and the film "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull seems to be based on the Mayan myth. Say: 13 crystal skulls can save humanity from destruction. Myth in the film said that if the 13 old skulls not a given set are collected, the earth will be moved from the ashes. Interestingly for a film can, the audience easily in the myth ....

Not only that states dass The myth that the Earth would be destroyed by growth collisions Planet X, meteorite impact, which used to be a black hole, was killed by a burst of sun, Earth is destroyed by the explosion of gamma rays in the solar system, at the coming ice age rapidly and alternately magnetic poles. In fact, all forecasts in the document. And at the end so many followers of the late 2012's world. Unfortunately, none of the specified arguments can be verified.

The fact that the countries of the Mayan doomsday prophecy purely on timing, not intended schedule after 2012 based computing. Because the Mayan calculations based on cycles of 13 and 20

Arkeo Mayan astronomers are still debating the issue with calendars "Long Count" was. The question whether this calendar is again in or (approximately 8000M) and back to

In the words of Karl Kruszelnicki "Great Moments in Science":

"... When the end of the calendar cycle, it will follow the next cycle. In modern society, each December 31 at the end of the world, but continue through the next round of January 1. Why in the Mayan calendar is or December 22, followed in 2012, with only a few days for Christmas shopping. "

Cycle of the Mayan calendar end of May, but a new cycle will return, and then ... They bring a new day for the inhabitants of the earth.


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